eLearning Reality Check: What’s Going On Out There?

smiling woman working on her phoneDid you know that 98 percent of large companies use a Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver their online training? Not far behind, 96 percent of midsize companies do so as well, according to TrainingMag.com.

When it comes to corporate learning technologies, LMSs are nearly ubiquitous. Compared to podcasting, knowledge management systems, application simulation tools, and other solutions, LMSs are the go-to choice, especially if used in combination with virtual classroom / webcasting / video broadcasting applications, which are also used by 98 percent of large companies, and which can be even more effective when integrated into the LMS platform for a seamless user experience.

The reality is, even though some companies may still be relatively new to eLearning as a result of the 2020 pandemic (i.e., they were forced to switch from in-person training to an online training model), the data clearly shows that those who don’t rely on an LMS to deliver training are in a very slim minority.

So, what does that mean for you, as an L&D or HR professional, or someone who’s responsible for owning departmental or external training? You’re part of the norm, which is no way to differentiate yourselves or stand out from the competition. Due to widely publicized economic concerns and constraints, this year is all about showing value and proving ROI. But how do you do that – and demonstrate to your organization that your programs are a big, bright feather in the company’s cap (and worthy of continued, if not increased budget) – if every business in your industry is working with a similar solution?

Reality check: Maybe all LMSs are not actually so similar

According to Brandon Hall Group research, “48% of companies want to find a new LMS.”

Wait, what?!

Almost half of the above-described majority are displeased with their current system? What are they wanting that they’re not getting? What is going on?

Simply put, LMS admins and learners both want more than rudimentary technology that may have fit the bill five years ago. But it’s not enough anymore. No one wants an unwieldy, feature-restricted solution that feels more like a burden than a benefit to the business. If all the LMS allows admins to do is push one-to-many training to a monolith of learners, that’s not going to be enough to compete with companies that are doing more sophisticated, targeted training that has a direct, measurable, positive effect on the business.

In our digital world, eLearning solutions need to keep pace with people’s expectations for business-to-consumer (B2C) technology experiences – those that deliver what’s sought before it’s even searched for, those that match content to preferences and past behaviors, those that know us better than we know ourselves. This is what we’re used to (and like) in our personal lives and we expect business technology to meet the same criteria.

The new necessities of eLearning success

To deliver on the promise of a B2C-like technology experience, you need a system that delivers everything you need to manage your entire learning operation in one solution – to the benefit of admins and learners alike.

It needs to help solve the classic learning conundrum of whether to “build or buy” content, which is probably one of the biggest challenges learning professionals face. Your LMS should enable you to do both without the hassle or expense of third-party applications.

And of course, your LMS must close the loop between learners and the content that’s assigned and available to them, while also serving the needs of admins who may want to expand the learning ecosystem and want expert support doing so.

Those seemingly simple but powerful requirements are the “new necessities of eLearning,” which we at Litmos refer to as the 3Cs. They are: create, curate, connect.

  • Create your own proprietary courses and collections within the LMS with built-in content authoring.
  • Curate content from an integrated, off-the-shelf library for universally valuable learning.
  • Connect:
    • learners to everything they need to develop
    • admins to services that support best practices
    • training activity to results and business outcomes
    • other systems that enhance the learning experience

It may go without saying, but all of the above must also be easy, aesthetically pleasing, and engaging.

Does that sound like too tall an order? It isn’t! The solution is here right now and ready for you to start exploring in a free trial or demo. Or, if you’d just like a little more info and would prefer a recorded product demo of the Litmos 3Cs, please check out this webinar, What Are the New Necessities of eLearning?, at your convenience.

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