Brandon Hall Group Survey: Technology and Training Impacts Compliance Training

Navigating the LMS Market for Compliance Training Success

Learning and Development (L&D) has undergone a transformation in recent years, becoming more learner-centric and personalized. This shift has led to increased engagement and effectiveness in corporate training programs. However, compliance training in many organizations has remained stuck in the past, failing to keep pace with these advancements.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the key findings from a recent Litmos and Brandon Hall Group™ survey on the current state of compliance training. These survey findings highlight the importance of approaching compliance training as an opportunity for employee performance and professional growth, rather than a simple “check the box” activity. It also explores the challenges that organizations often face when choosing a technological solution for compliance training, while providing recommendations that can guide organizations who are looking to leverage an LMS as part of their compliance training strategy. Read on to learn more, or access the full report here.

Key findings on the current state of compliance training

Brandon Hall Group found that 90% of respondents are using a learning management system (LMS) to support compliance training. This reliance on LMS platforms highlights the significance of learning platforms in facilitating and managing compliance training programs. However, it is crucial to note that simply implementing an LMS does not guarantee successful compliance training. Organizations must also ensure that their LMS is used efficiently and integrated with their overall compliance strategy. This includes providing adequate training and support to employees on how to use the LMS, ensuring that training content is easily accessible and engaging, and regularly monitoring and analyzing LMS data to identify areas for improvement.

There is one step in compliance training that can’t be skipped: ensuring that content remains relevant and aligned with evolving regulations and industry standards. However, updating existing compliance materials can be a complex and timely process. That’s why choosing the right LMS can make all the difference. In an ever-expanding and increasingly complex marketplace, how can learning leaders choose the right technology for effective compliance training? Brandon Hall Group’s survey findings uncover key considerations for those who may be in the market for an LMS and offers a few critical questions your team should be asking when choosing one to drive compliance training.

Leveraging an LMS for compliance training

While LMS platforms offer many benefits for compliance training, Brandon Hall Group outlines several challenges that respondents face when leveraging LMS technology in their compliance strategy. The primary challenges cited by respondents were general dissatisfaction with their platform, technical challenges, operational hurdles due to a lack of technical updates, lack of support, and lack of essential LMS features.

Technology and content management were identified by respondents as barriers to effective management of compliance training. One way to avoid these challenges, is to ensure that any LMS you’re considering is compatible with your organization’s existing technology infrastructure and that the LMS includes resources that can help your team create and maintain high-quality training content.

Finally, the use of multiple platforms appears to add significant complexity to respondents’ compliance training strategy. According to Brandon Hall Group’s findings, many organizations use multiple LMS platforms or a combination of disparate technologies, which can make it difficult to track and manage compliance-related data. Using multiple platforms can lead to inconsistencies in both reporting and in the learning experience, which may impact the effectiveness of compliance training.

Brandon Hall Group’s Compliance Survey Implications

The findings from the survey have several implications for organizations and their approach to compliance training. Firstly, they highlight the concerning gap between compliance training and modern learning trends. An over-reliance on traditional methods, such as instructor-led training, can leave learners feeling less engaged. This disconnect can also undermine an organization’s efforts in fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development.

Secondly, the survey reveals that compliance training is often not viewed as a strategic component of learning and development (L&D) within organizations. This limited perspective relegates compliance training to a mere formality, rather than recognizing its potential to drive creating a more positive and productive workplace.

Finally, the survey underscores the challenges organizations face in leveraging LMS platforms effectively for compliance training. Inadequate technology, lack of essential features, and the use of multiple platforms contribute to frustration among administrators and low engagement and completion rates among learners. These issues can prevent organizations from fully realizing the benefits of LMS technology and achieving their compliance training goals.

Choosing the right LMS for compliance training

Choosing the right Learning Management System (LMS) for your compliance training needs is is vital for driving learning results. Several key factors should be considered when making this decision:

  1. An LMS must provide robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Detailed insights into learner progress, completion rates, and assessment results are essential for identifying training gaps, tracking employee performance, and measuring program effectiveness. This data empowers organizations to make informed decisions, ensuring their compliance training initiatives are meeting objectives.
  2. Consider the LMS’s ability to integrate training content from multiple sources. Compliance training often draws from various resources, including industry regulations, company policies, and external providers. A comprehensive LMS should seamlessly integrate and manage this diverse content, delivering a cohesive learning experience for employees.
  3. Assess the level of support offered by the LMS vendor. Compliance training demands regular updates to keep pace with evolving regulations and standards. Reliable vendors provide ongoing support, including regular updates, technical assistance, and customer service, ensuring the LMS remains effective and up-to-date.

Additionally, organizations should regularly evaluate their compliance training programs to identify areas for improvement. This includes assessing the effectiveness of the training content, delivery methods, and LMS platform. By continuously monitoring and refining their programs, organizations can ensure employees are well-equipped to meet compliance requirements and uphold ethical business practices.

To improve learner engagement, develop employees’ skills, and drive business results, compliance training needs to be revamped. This transformation can be achieved by leveraging LMS technology more effectively and reforming the content to align with modern learning trends. By embracing innovation and adopting a strategic mindset, organizations can create a compliance training program that not only meets regulatory requirements but also contributes to the overall success and growth of the organization.

To dive into Brandon Hall Group’s survey results and recommendations, access the full report here.

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